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Английский Этимологический словарь - alive


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- O.E. on life "in living." Alive and kicking "alert, vigorous," attested from 1859.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  mathem. abbr. Aspiration Leadership Innovation Vision And Excellence softw. abbr. Access Log Information Visualizing Engine ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~ S2 W3 adj 1 »NOT DEAD« still living and not dead  (It was a really bad accident - they're lucky to be alive. | None of my grandparents are alive now.) stay ~ (=continue to live)  (They managed to stay alive by eating berries and roots.) keep sb ~  (He's being kept alive on a life-support machine.) 2 »CHEERFUL« active and happy; feel ~  (It was the kind of morning when you wake up and feel really alive.) 3 »STILL EXISTING« continuing to exist  (Ancient traditions are still very much alive in rural areas.) keep sth ~  (fighting to keep our academic institutions alive.) 4 come ~ a) if a situation or event comes alive it becomes interesting and seems real  (For me the play only came alive in the final act.) b) if someone comes alive they start to be happy and interested in what is happening  (It was as if she came alive when she sat down at the piano.) c) if a town or city etc comes ~ it becomes busy  (seaside resorts that come alive in the summer.) 5 bring sth ~ to make something interesting  (Plays need the sound of human voices to bring them alive.) 6 be ~ and well a) to be healthy and enjoy life b) informal humorous to be popular and successful  (The mini skirt is alive and well in Paris this year.) 7 be ~ and kicking to be very healthy and active  ( "How's your father nowadays?" "Oh, still alive and kicking.") 8 be ~ to to realize that something is happening and that it is important  (The company is alive to the threat posed by foreign imports.) 9 be ~ with to be full of people, animals, or things that are moving  (a tree trunk alive with ants)  (- see also skin sb ~ (skin2 (3))) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If people or animals are alive, they are not dead. She does not know if he is alive or dead... They kept her alive on a life support machine. ? dead ADJ: v-link ADJ, keep n ADJ 2. If you say that someone seems alive, you mean that they seem to be very lively and to enjoy everything that they do. Our relationship made me feel more alive... ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 3. If an activity, organization, or situation is alive, it continues to exist or function. The big factories are trying to stay alive by cutting costs... Both communities have a tradition of keeping history alive. ? dead ADJ: v-link ADJ, keep n ADJ 4. If a place is alive with something, there are a lot of people or things there and it seems busy or exciting. The river was alive with birds... ADJ: v-link ADJ, usu ADJ with n 5. If people, places, or events come alive, they start to be lively again after a quiet period. If someone or something brings them alive, they cause them to come alive. The doctor’s voice had come alive and his small eyes shone. PHRASE: V inflects 6. If a story or description comes alive, it becomes interesting, lively, or realistic. If someone or something brings it alive, they make it seem more interesting, lively, or realistic. She made history come alive with tales from her own memories... PHRASE: V inflects 7. If you say that someone or something is alive and kicking, you are emphasizing not only that they continue to survive, but also that they are very active. ...worries that the secret police may still be alive and kicking. PHRASE: v-link PHR c darkgreen]emphasis 8. If you say that someone or something is alive and well, you are emphasizing that they continue to survive. A man who went missing yesterday during a blizzard has been found alive and well. PHRASE: v-link PHR c darkgreen]emphasis ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English on life, from on + lif life  Date: before 12th century  1. having life ; not dead or inanimate  2.  a. still in existence, force, or operation ; active kept hope ~  b. still active in competition with a chance of victory must win to stay ~ in the playoffs  3. knowing or realizing the existence of ; sensitive ~ to the danger  4. marked by alertness, energy, or briskness his face came ~ at the mention of food  5. marked by much life, animation, or activity ; swarming streets ~ with traffic  6. — used as an intensive following the noun the proudest boy ~  Synonyms: see aware  • ~ness noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. (usu. predic.) 1 (of a person, animal, plant, etc.) living, not dead. 2 a (of a thing) existing; continuing; in operation or action (kept his interest alive). b under discussion; provoking interest (the topic is still very much alive today). 3 (of a person or animal) lively, active. 4 charged with an electric current; connected to a source of electricity. 5 (foll. by to) aware of; alert or responsive to. 6 (foll. by with) a swarming or teeming with. b full of. Phrases and idioms alive and kicking colloq. very active; lively. alive and well still alive or active (esp. despite contrary assumptions or rumours). Derivatives aliveness n. Etymology: OE on life (as A(2), LIFE) ALIZARIN n. 1 the red colouring matter of madder root, used in dyeing. 2 (attrib.) (of a dye) derived from or similar to this pigment. Etymology: F alizarine f. alizari madder f. Arab. al-' isara pressed juice f. ' asara to press fruit ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  действующий; живой; под напряжением; продуктивный; работающий; электр. под током ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) живой 2) изобилующий, кишащий 3) действующий, существующий ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. живой, в живых alive or dead —- живой или мертвый any man alive —- любой человек to burn smb alive —- сжечь кого-л живым while alive —- при жизни to be alive —- остаться живым, живым while alive —- при жизни to be alive —- остаться живым, жить the greatest man alive —- величайший из всех живущих на земле людей that made me the happiest man alive —- это сделало меня счастливейшим человеком на свете no man alive —- никто, ни один человек it is a wonder I'm still alive —- удивительно, что я остался жив to come alive again —- ожить; возродиться 2. существующий, действующий; живой; остающийся в силе traditions that are still alive —- сохранившиеся традиции to keep alive —- поддерживать, сохранять to keep smth. alive —- не давать чему-л, угаснуть, поддерживать в чем-л. жизнь to keep the fire alive —- поддерживать огонь to keep discontent alive —- не давать угаснуть недовольству to keep the attention of the audience alive —- завладеть вниманием аудитории 3. живой, бодрый; энергичный very much alive —- полный жизни beamingly alive —- сияющий и жизнерадостный although old he is still alive —- он стар, но все еще полон жизни her eyes were wonderfully intelligent and alive —- у нее были удивительно умные и живые глаза his face was suddenly alive —- его лицо внезапно оживилось 4. (with) изобилующий (чем-л), полный (чего-л) alive with vermin —- кишащий паразитами river alive with fish —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  adj.; predic.  1) живой; в живых no man alive - никто на свете any man alive - любой человек, кто-нибудь  2) живой, бодрый  3) чуткий к чему-л., ясно понимающий что-л. to be fully alive to smth. - ясно понимать что-л. are you alive to what is going on? - вы осознаете, что происходит?  4) кишащий (with) the river was alive with boats - река была запружена лодками  5) действующий, работающий, на ходу to keep alive - поддерживать (огонь, интерес и т.п.)  6) electr. (находящийся) под напряжением alive and kicking - жив и здоров; полон жизни look alive! - живей! man alive! - выражение удивления: man alive! I am glad to see you! боже мой, как я рад вас видеть! Syn: see living ...
Англо-русский словарь


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